The most experienced B2B Telemarketing& Lead generation agency of the Netherlands


Meer nieuwe klanten, bestaande klanten meer laten afnemen, oude klanten heractiveren, de behoeften van uw doelgroep goed in kaart hebben, meer offertes, een goed gevulde pipeline: dan bent u bij ons aan het goede adres!

Our services, B2B Telemarketing, (Omnichannel) Lead Generation, Social Selling, International Business Development and Sales Training & Coaching are designed in such a way that they fit perfectly with your organization.

We professionally establish and maintain contact with your important targets, (former) customers and relations and provide touch points within the sales cycle. Result: (visit) appointments in your calendar, more (new) customers, more turnover. Whether you want to (partly) outsource this or professionalize your own teams, we would like to support you properly, professionally and for a long period of time. As partners, almost as colleagues.

Provite is the oldest B2B telephone marketing agency in the Netherlands and a leader in quality B2B telemarketing, lead generation, cold acquisition, sales training & coaching, sales support and social selling. Besides more than 45 years of experience in numerous industries and with numerous services and products, our people are also distinctive: senior professionals, (task) mature, 35+ and with a rich experience in business. Many former entrepreneurs, but also actors, (life) artists, pensionados etc. All with one thing in common: professionalism, commercial sense and with genuine interest in the other side of the line!



Wij ondersteunen het B2B (of BfB) bedrijfsleven al meer dan 45 jaar met kwalitatieve (sales qualified) leads, waardoor uw salesteams, uw consultants of uw business partners makkelijker en meer kunnen verkopen.

We are distinguished by our down-to-earthness, vision and-most importantly-our people. Provite employs only Sr. (35+) professionals, coming from the business world with a proven track record. That guarantees commercial success, for more leads, more visitor appointments, more sales.

Provite is the specialist in quality telemarketing. We distinguish ourselves through our vision, method and-most importantly-our people. Read more...

Smart, multi-channel marketing campaigns to generate leads, engage and 'help' you through the Customer Journey. Read more...

LinkedIn is now the place for companies to take their B2B lead generation to the next level. Read more...

If you also do, or want to do business outside your national borders, perhaps even outside Europe, we can be of great service. Read more...

No matter how good and experienced your sales professionals are, in such a dynamic field as sales, sales training remains necessary. Read more...


Is a conversation. Online or on location. You talk about what you want to achieve, your target audiences, your wonderful product and/or service. We put our more than 45 years of experience against it and discuss a strategy. After all, B2B Telemarketing as part of lead generation offers unprecedented opportunities. Let's discover it together!

Want to know more? Contact Tom +31 70 3134444.

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